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LaFFi: Leveraging Hybrid Natural Language Feedback for Fine-tuning Language Models

Arxiv Link - 2023-12-31 21:18:16


Fine-tuning Large Language Models (LLMs) adapts a trained model to specific downstream tasks, significantly improving task-specific performance. Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT) is a common approach, where an LLM is trained to produce desired answers. However, LLMs trained with SFT sometimes make simple mistakes and result in hallucinations on reasoning tasks such as question-answering. Without external feedback, it is difficult for SFT to learn a good mapping between the question and the desired answer, especially with a small dataset. This paper introduces an alternative to SFT called Natural Language Feedback for Finetuning LLMs (LaFFi). LaFFi has LLMs directly predict the feedback they will receive from an annotator. We find that requiring such reflection can significantly improve the accuracy in in-domain question-answering tasks, providing a promising direction for the application of natural language feedback in the realm of SFT LLMs. Additional ablation studies show that the portion of human-annotated data in the annotated datasets affects the fine-tuning performance.


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🌟 Exciting News in the World of Large Language Models (LLMs) 🌟

Fine-tuning LLMs for specific tasks has always been crucial for enhancing performance. However, Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT) can sometimes lead to errors and hallucinations in reasoning tasks. But fear not, a new approach called LaFFi (Natural Language Feedback for Finetuning LLMs) is here to revolutionize the game!

This innovative method has LLMs predict the feedback they would receive from an annotator, leading to a significant boost in accuracy for in-domain question-answering tasks. The study also highlights the impact of human-annotated data on fine-tuning performance.

Excited to delve deeper into this groundbreaking research? Check out the full paper here:

#LLMs #AI #NLP #LaFFi #TechInnovation #ResearchHighlight
🚀 Exciting research alert! Discover LaFFi, a new approach to fine-tuning Large Language Models for improved task performance in question-answering tasks. Learn more about how natural language feedback enhances accuracy and fine-tuning performance: #AI #NLP #LLMs #LaFFi #ResearchPub